Whitney Thompson; Plus-size supermodel, spokesperson for NEDA and creator of "Supermodel".

My goal is to encourage and inspire you to celebrate your miraculous, exquisite, and unique body. I want you to resist the negative messages being sold to you by the media. You are beautiful. You are unique. Here, we want to help you remember that.

If I can convey one message to you:
Healthy is Beautiful. Beautiful is not a size, not an age, and not a procedure. Healthy is beautiful."

“Beautiful” is celebrating the characteristics and qualities of your body, while nourishing and exercising
it to be as uniquely healthy and fit as only you can be. We are all created differently and I want you to stop trying to fit into a mold that someone else has defined as "beautiful". No one size will ever be accepted by everyone and it's important to accept that we are all different. I want you to be the best that you can be.

Your comments are welcome here, even if we don't agree. I appreciate all comments as long as they don't hurt others.

Always remember, life is too short to not live like a SuperModel!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Coconut Sugar Body Scrub

    I’ve been researching do-it-yourself spa recipes and I find that most of them are complicated and extensive. No wonder people still fork over money to just buy these things! I’m creating the easiest, best way for you to get great results without have to buy a bunch of weird potions. I created and love this body scrub. If you don’t already have coconut oil, go buy it in the baking section of your grocery store. You’ll be seeing more of it on here soon! 
Simple Body Scrub Recipe:
1/2 Cup of Granulated Sugar
2 Heaping Tablespoons of Coconut Oil
Mix into a thick paste and rub all over!
       The sugar removes dead skin while the coconut oil nourishes and leaves skin with a soft shine. Don’t get water into the paste because water will melt the sugar! I make this in small, fresh batches but you can double the recipe for a whole week’s worth of scrubbing!

1 comment:

  1. hmmm... Sugar, a coco... It sounds appetizing! yum yum :-) Thank you Whitney! You know so much!:-) I will try to make this Coconut Sugar Body Scrub tomorrow! XoxoX
