Whitney Thompson; Plus-size supermodel, spokesperson for NEDA and creator of "Supermodel".

My goal is to encourage and inspire you to celebrate your miraculous, exquisite, and unique body. I want you to resist the negative messages being sold to you by the media. You are beautiful. You are unique. Here, we want to help you remember that.

If I can convey one message to you:
Healthy is Beautiful. Beautiful is not a size, not an age, and not a procedure. Healthy is beautiful."

“Beautiful” is celebrating the characteristics and qualities of your body, while nourishing and exercising
it to be as uniquely healthy and fit as only you can be. We are all created differently and I want you to stop trying to fit into a mold that someone else has defined as "beautiful". No one size will ever be accepted by everyone and it's important to accept that we are all different. I want you to be the best that you can be.

Your comments are welcome here, even if we don't agree. I appreciate all comments as long as they don't hurt others.

Always remember, life is too short to not live like a SuperModel!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Watch me on E! News Tonight at 7!

       Yesterday I filmed a segment that will air on E! News tonight. I've been to E! on a few occasions, but I always think it's cool because it is a show that I watch. I do wish that they had female hosts who were at least size four, but they do have all the latest info and are quite informative. As a matter of fact, I think that they should hire me. LOL but I am a little biased.Anyways, I think that the interview went well but you never know what will be used and what will be cut.  You'll just have to tune in with me tonight! XoxoX


  1. Giuliana is so skinny she looks like a wet cat. It's sad because her head is so big compared to the rest of her body she looks like a lollipop, and I think she would look beautiful (I wouldn't even call her "pretty" with the state she's in now) with 15-20lbs on her. Ryan Seacrest looks more like a woman than she does. Maybe you'll be a good influence on her like you have been to so many, and she'll realize that she doesn't have to do that to herself.

  2. whitney, you are very stunning and you are a true body beautiful be proud of who you are and don't change for anyone.
