Whitney Thompson; Plus-size supermodel, spokesperson for NEDA and creator of "Supermodel".

My goal is to encourage and inspire you to celebrate your miraculous, exquisite, and unique body. I want you to resist the negative messages being sold to you by the media. You are beautiful. You are unique. Here, we want to help you remember that.

If I can convey one message to you:
Healthy is Beautiful. Beautiful is not a size, not an age, and not a procedure. Healthy is beautiful."

“Beautiful” is celebrating the characteristics and qualities of your body, while nourishing and exercising
it to be as uniquely healthy and fit as only you can be. We are all created differently and I want you to stop trying to fit into a mold that someone else has defined as "beautiful". No one size will ever be accepted by everyone and it's important to accept that we are all different. I want you to be the best that you can be.

Your comments are welcome here, even if we don't agree. I appreciate all comments as long as they don't hurt others.

Always remember, life is too short to not live like a SuperModel!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


   I’m flying to NYC for fashion week. Like I posted earlier, I will only be attending one show (for plus sizes) and then I’m flying back to Los Angeles. I’ll be spending the night at my gay boyfriend’s house (Robert) and we’ll probably order in pizza and have girl time. Then my hair and makeup guru (Cody) will come over at 10 am and we’ll start that process. I’m going to wear a nude lace dress by Adrianna Papell (quickly becoming one of my favorite red carpet designers). My car will pick me up around 12:30 and take me to the show. There will be a VIP lunch afterwards and I’m really excited because I just found out that Caroline from Real Housewives of New Jersey will be there! I have a serious addiction to all of the “Real Housewife” shows. They are just so entertaining!!! I’m going to try to get a picture with her.
        I am also waiting to see the designs for my tennis shoes. I’m kind of bummed that I don’t get to do it, but I don’t know anything about designing shoes, so they will forward me some ideas and then I give input and have the final say. I think that one of the designs is my SuperModel logo with pink crystals! I love girlie stuff. I’ve also been thinking about creating a Supermodel water. Something totally pink and fabulous, but packed with important things to keep a SuperModel running all over the world without getting exhausted, like I’ve been recently.
       Yesterday I saw a commercial for Victoria’s Secret and the tag line was, “love your body”. At first I thought, “Oh my goodness, they’re using a plus girl, but then it panned out on several young girls who would look sick if it wasn’t for their spray tan and breast implants. I realized that Victoria’s Secret was telling me to love my body but my body doesn’t even remotely look like the body on the commercial. I stopped buying Victoria’s Secret several months ago because the items are manufactured in a foreign country and they’re made cheaply, but I am nothing but repulsed by their tae on what beauty is. I am sick of 16 year old girls in things telling me that I should look like them. I don;t want to look like them. I sincerely ask everyone to stop supporting VS until they use a girl who is at least size six. If you need suggestions on other places to shop then please ask, but from the bottom of my heart I believe that Victoria’s Secret is a crappy company that is destroying women’s self esteem and if we don’t put our foot down and stop buying their products then they will continue to cause lowered self esteem and a rise in eating disorders. 


  1. Where do you suggest to shop? I generally purchase bras from Macy's (I don't fit into VS anyways), but if there's a more eco-friendly, made in the USA place to shop for girls with larger breasts, I'm all for it! :)

  2. I agree completely. I'm thrilled you are still standing up for yourself, your body type, and the millions of real figured women. It was so disheartening to see Jennifer Hudson and Tocarra lose all that weight but then still claim to love their plus sized bodies...
